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Today was the day of the much anticipated scan. As I've had two CT scans since diagnosis, I know the drill and it didn't seem like it would be a big deal. Matt and I arrived at 8:00 am, and they handed over the disgusting drink that I had to finish in an hour. I love that they make sure to let you know it was flavored with Crystal Light, to enhance the flavor. I can only imagine how nasty it would taste without the Crystal Light. It seriously tastes like rancid orange juice. But, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta I gulped it down as quickly as I could.

A little after 9 they called me back for the actual scan. This is when things took a turn for the worse. I told the scanners that they could use my port as it's a "Power Port." The hospital didn't have documentation of this though and said that it is NOT a "power port" and they needed to start an IV. I knew they weren't right but figured I'd let them try and find a vein. Bad choice on my part. About 7 people and two hours later, no vein was found. I kept casually mentioning that my port was put in at that very hospital only 2 months ago and they should look it up. Turns out the doctor that put my port in did not properly document it, and there was no indication that I have this "power port."

By 11, I was beyond livid. I had to fast for the scan, so now I'm tired, hungry, and have a headache from the vile orange drink. They left me in a room by myself because I think they may have been scared of me. Matt had to drive home to get my paperwork so we could prove that they could use my port.

Of course by the time this was all sorted out, it had been too long since I had the contrast drink and they told me I needed to drink more. I literally thought I was either going to punch someone, or cry. Thankfully I convinced myself in the scheme of life it wasn't that big of a deal. Not worth getting arrested over for sure. So I chugged one more glass, said a prayer, and finally had the scan done.

I'm praying that this isn't a sign of how the rest of the week is going to go. Matt says we got all the "bad" stuff out of the way and the rest of the week is going to be all good news. I really hope so. It's about time we got some good news.

I'm also taking this as a sign that it's time to move on to UCSF and not feel bad about it. I love my doctors and everyone at the hospital, but maybe it's time we played with the big boys.

Since I got home I've been fighting a headache. I'm sure it's stress and residual effects of the scan dye and contrast drink. I'm incredibly lucky though, Reagan has been taking amazing care of me.

T minus 4 days until the results are in..... Let's hope they go by quickly.


  1. Ah, Melissa! You make me laugh and cry at the same time -- what a spirit you have!! When you say they left you alone because they might be afraid of you, I had to laugh -- good one! I hope they are -- they darn well should be! But when I hear all the nonsense they're putting you through, the poor documentation -- and making you drink the dratted stuff again -- that made me cry, mostly out of pure admiration for your courage and good sense. You are really something, my young friend! Yes, indeed, there are bigger battles to be fought, but it takes a very mature, reasonable and rational soul to recognize that, and there aren't many of those waling around. So delighted to see that you're one of them! I hope you know how much you are teaching all of us about how to live a life under stress with grace, courage and humor. I admire you more than I can say. Hang in there, kiddo -- it's gonna be fine. But you knew that, didn't you?! Lots of love from JJ's mom!


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