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Showing posts from October, 2011

8 Miles

I "officially" walked 8 miles over the course of the weekend. And in the process, I completed my first two cancer walks! Saturday, Colleen and I walked with my neighbors (and Reagan's classmates parents) for St. Mary's in the American Cancer Societies "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" walk. It was a gorgeous day in Golden Gate Park, and the 4 miles weren't challenging at all! Sunday, we threw the girls in the strollers again and headed out to the Strides For Life Colon Cancer walk at Lake Merced. Let's just say that the 4 miles on Sunday were harder on Charlie than on me. She really isn't a fan of being stuck in a stroller while mommy slowly walks 4 miles. So I think I'll have to leave her home in the future. At least until she's a bit older hopefully. Although, Charlie did have a great time punching the "polyps" in the giant inflatable colon that was at the walk. Never did I think I would hear myself say "Charlie,

Keep on Keepin' On...

I thought that the end of radiation would be my last blog. And obviously for a while it was. But as I settle back into "normal" life, I've been feeling like something is missing. It took me a while to realize that I just miss writing. It keeps me level, and's my personal form of therapy. So I've decided to combine this blog with the one I used to write about the girls' antics. The past 6 weeks since radiation ended has been a whirlwind. We went on our much needed and most fabulous vacation to Disneyland and Palm Springs. The girls absolutely loved Disneyland. I'm not sure I've ever seen them so excited, or having so much fun. And during our time in Palm Springs, Matt and I were once again overwhelmed by how blessed we are to have the most amazing friends in the world. Reagan started Kindergarten in August and is loving every second of it. She's made a bunch of new friends and is learning so much. She can read more and more every week