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Showing posts from May, 2018

Shit Storm Central

So much time has gone by since my last post, so many highs and lows, so many tears and moments of hope and joy. In a nutshell, Matt and I left for Lourdes on May 1 and had the most intensely beautiful week of our lives. It was full of prayer, grace, hope and love. It filled us up with this immense sense of love for our faith and our fellow man. Words truly can't describe what we experienced. I cherish these moments because they were shared with Matt, my guy, my rock. He truly gets everything I am going through and we can just cry and be together with no words necessary. I'm not going to lie. I didn't expect there to be some outrageous miracle waiting for me when we left Lourdes, but I also didn't expect everything to kind of fall apart either. While in Lourdes, I was in contact with my oncologist at UCSF to get into a clinical trial immediately upon my return. We flew in Weds night and Friday morning I was up in the City getting bloodwork, EKG and Echos done. Somethin